Merging Folders in OSX is an Option

If you ever need to combine two identically-named folders together, but they contain a mix of old, new, and duplicate files, it’s likely you will want to be selective in how they are merged together. AppleInsider offers a basic guide to using the Merge option in Finder to keep only the files you want intact.

TLDR: Holding down the option key keeps the newest version of each file at the top level of a folder only. The terminal ‘ditto’ command additionally affects subfolders too.

Once in the Terminal Window, type the Ditto command followed by a space, the path of the source folder you want to merge files from, another space, then the path of the destination folder. Instead of typing the folder paths, they can also be entered by dragging and dropping each folder into the Terminal window.

More evidence Mac ransomware exists

We’ve been saying it for some time: Mac malware is rare compared to the stuff that targets Windows. But Apple computers are far from immune.This year’s SophosLabs malware forecast included Mac malware geared towards harvesting data, providing covert remote access to thieves and holding files for ransom.Other examples of Mac ransomware include OSX/Filecode-K and OSX/Filecode-L.Now comes word of a new piece of Mac ransomware, which SophosLabs has identified as OSX/Ransom-A. Widely reported as an example

Source: More evidence Mac ransomware exists – Naked Security