
Chile mint boss pays the price of coin spelling howler

Chiie PesoLooks like a lucrative way to raise government funds through eBay … Just mint rare coins to order.

… 50-peso coins – worth about 10 cents (6p) – were issued in 2008, but no-one noticed the mistake until late last year.

Instead of C-H-I-L-E, the coins had C-H-I-I-E stamped on them.

The coins have since become collectors’ items and the mint says it has no plans to take them out of circulation.

via BBC News – Chile mint boss pays the price of coin spelling howler.

The Oldest Profession?

Lola – or Rora – to give her a slightly more Japanese pronunciation – is a beauty and she knows it.

Customers pay by the hour for her company. Usually they just want to stroke her, but as a special treat for favoured clients, she will lie back in a chair, close her eyes and pose for photographs.

Lola is a Persian cat who works at the Ja La La Cafe in Tokyo’s bustling Akihabara district.