
Mac OS 10.6.3 Update

Ever since I picked up a MacBook Air I’ve been disappointed in my 17″ MacBook Pro. The Pro has better specs, more memory, more everything. It should be faster than the “underpowered” Air? NO. Maybe it’s the solid state drive or maybe I just ask it to do less, but the Air has consistently been more snappy than the other … until today.

In the latest software update (along with iPhoto and a new iTunes supporting the iPad) Apple pushed out 10.6.3 complete with eighty-something fixes at ~800 MB. Generally when an update comes along, it’s “fine, an update.” It’s just that this one seems to have rejuvenated the poor Pro. Hopefully the feeling lasts … but, just in case, I’m holding off touching the Air for fear it may have improved as well (though I don’t see how it could).

iPad About « The New Adventures of Stephen Fry

I’m not advocating dumb gullibility, but it is has always amused me that those who instinctively dislike Apple for being apparently cool, trendy, design fixated and so on are the ones who are actually so damned cool and so damned sensitive to stylistic nuance that they can’t bear to celebrate or recognise obvious class, beauty and desire. The fact is that Apple users like me are the uncoolest people on earth: we salivate, dribble, coo, sigh, grin and bubble with delight.

via iPad About « The New Adventures of Stephen Fry.

BarMax: The $1,000 iPhone App That Might Actually Be Worth It

In August 2008, Apple approved an application in the App Store called I Am Rich. The app did nothing beyond show a picture of a red gem. So why was it notable? Because it cost $999.99. Though Apple pulled it relatively quickly, there was some concern that we’d start to see a rush of bogus applications and/or huge prices in the App Store. Luckily, that didn’t happen and app prices have remained low (some would say too low). But now we have the return of a $999.99 app.

But there’s a big difference with this app; BarMax CA actually does something. And to the people it’s aimed towards, it’s likely to be very useful. And quite possibly worth the $1,000 price tag.

via BarMax: The $1,000 iPhone App That Might Actually Be Worth It.