
Facebook Data Reveal Secrets of American Culture

The blog mentioned in this article has some fascinating information on possible differences between different US regions gleaned from the way different people use and connect within Facebook.

Facebook users in the American West appear to move around a lot, and often have friends throughout the country, while users from Minnesota to Manhattan have connections much closer to home.

And in areas in and around Texas, on the edge of what’s generally thought of as the Bible Belt, the Dallas Cowboys rank higher overall on users’ fan pages than God.

These are just some of the interesting findings about Facebook users recently discovered by Pete Warden, a Colorado-based, British-born ex-Apple engineer who has spent the last six months gathering and analyzing data from more than 215 million public Facebook profile pages.

What he’s discovered just might shed more light on the culture of connected America than the 2010 census.

via Facebook Data Reveal Secrets of American Culture | LiveScience. Also see The Man Who Looked Into Facebook’s Soul.

If you’re interested in this sort of analysis, you might want to check out the Floating Sheep blog. It’s quite incredible.

A mapping tool that you can use to check out a graphic representation of communications of a user of Twitter is over at Mailana. It looks like they also have a similar tool for Facebook friend analysis.