Hard Boiled Aesthetics

Whenever I’ve made hard boiled eggs in the past, they are hard to peel and just plain ugly. Idle internetting has perhaps provided a solution that has been passed down since at least the time of the great Pepin. Claire Lower relates the problem and solution:

I poked the bottoms of my eggs with a thumbtack to create tiny holes, then lowered them straight into boiling water for nine minutes before rinsing them in cold water and peeling them. It worked, and it solved my cracking issue. Not only were my eggs much more rounded at the bottom, but none of them cracked. And they all peeled like a dream.

So, as Lifehacker points out above, just poke a little hole in it.

XMLRPC Endpoint Blocked?

Resolving the Connection Refused Error in Ulysses Preventing You from Publishing to WordPress

The main error is about the XMLRPC connection being blocked by WordPress. To overcome that, you need to install a plugin that would act as a proxy to the requests. Sounds too complicated? Don’t worry. 


(this resolved my problem – inMotion web hosting is great but blocks the xmlrpc … unless you rename it and use the Rename XMLRPC plugin)

Hong Kong no longer ‘special?’

Under the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, the U.S. treats Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous part of China, differently than the mainland in trade, commerce and other areas. Now U.S. President Donald Trump could rescind that “special status” to punish China for recent moves to tighten its grip on the city amid a resurgence of pro-democracy street protests. In its most extreme form, that would effectively mean treating the global financial hub no differently than any other Chinese city, a seismic shift

Source: What Hong Kong losing its ‘special status’ would mean | The Japan Times