May Equality Live Long and Prosper
Looks like George Takei and his partner Brad Altman have gotten their marriage license!
“It feels glorious,” said Takei, who played Sulu on “Star Trek,” holding his license.” I am the happiest guy in the world,” Altman said.” I get to be married to George Takei.”
The couple plan to be formally married in September at the Japanese-American Museum in downtown Los Angeles. “Now it has meaning,” Takei explained to reporters. “We are going to be legitimately married in California.” Takai was jubilant, saying “it’s going to be the only day like this in our lives and it is the only day like this in the history of America.” He told reporters and a swelling crowd outside the West Hollywood city auditorium “may equality live long and prosper.” Photos are available on Flickr.
Took long enough. Let’s hope the Terminator doesn’t screw it up.